A mandibular molar tooth may have its furcation area or one of its roots severely affected by periodontal disease or caries. Multiple factors must be favorable to restore health to such a compromised tooth. Adequate bone support for stabilization of the individual roots and coronal segments must be available after periodontal therapy. Root morphology and separation space must allow for ease of preparation and cleaning between the sectioned roots. Endodontic therapy should be uncomplicated and provide an excellent prognosis for long-term success. All caries must be removed and adequate tooth structure must remain after root and crown sectioning. Appropriate resistance and retention form must be achievable after tooth preparation of a sectioned mandibular molar. If these conditions can be met and the patient wants to keep the tooth, fixed restoration of a sectioned molar tooth is a viable treatment alternative to extraction and replacement with a removable partial denture or a dental implant. This article has described factors and procedures that should be considered for successful fixed prosthodontic treatment of sectioned multirooted mandibular molar teeth. The authors recommend an interdisciplinary diagnostic and treatment planning approach before performing endodontics, providing periodontal therapy, and restoring bicuspidized or hemisectioned multirooted teeth.