Tables of crystallographic properties of magnetic space groups

Acta Crystallogr A. 2008 May;64(Pt 3):419-24. doi: 10.1107/S010876730800768X. Epub 2008 Apr 18.


Tables of crystallographic properties of the reduced magnetic superfamilies of space groups, i.e. the 7 one-dimensional, 80 two-dimensional and 1651 three-dimensional group types, commonly referred to as magnetic space groups, are presented. The content and format are similar to that of non-magnetic space groups and subperiodic groups given in International Tables for Crystallography. Additional content for each representative group of each magnetic space-group type includes a diagram of general positions with corresponding general magnetic moments, Seitz notation used as a second notation for symmetry operations, and general and special positions listed with the components of the corresponding magnetic moments allowed by symmetry.