A single horn endometrial carcinoma of a uterus bicornis unicollis

J Gynecol Oncol. 2009 Sep;20(3):195-7. doi: 10.3802/jgo.2009.20.3.195. Epub 2009 Sep 30.


In this report, we describe a case of endometrial carcinoma arising in one horn of a bicornuate uterus. The diagnosis of this rare combination can be missed unless an unrecognized postmenopausal bleeding alerts the gynecologist to make a careful search for both endometrial cavities that may be curetted. Physicians should remember the possible existence of a separate uterine cavity when endometrial cancer is clinically suspected but histology fails to confirm the diagnosis.

Keywords: Bicornuate uterus; Endometrial cancer; Postmenopausal bleeding; Single horn carcinoma.