Realization of a sonic black hole analog in a Bose-Einstein condensate

Phys Rev Lett. 2010 Dec 10;105(24):240401. doi: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.105.240401. Epub 2010 Dec 7.


We have created an analog of a black hole in a Bose-Einstein condensate. In this sonic black hole, sound waves, rather than light waves, cannot escape the event horizon. A steplike potential accelerates the flow of the condensate to velocities which cross and exceed the speed of sound by an order of magnitude. The Landau critical velocity is therefore surpassed. The point where the flow velocity equals the speed of sound is the sonic event horizon. The effective gravity is determined from the profiles of the velocity and speed of sound. A simulation finds negative energy excitations, by means of Bragg spectroscopy.