Obesity Stigma and Bias

J Nurse Pract. 2016 Jul-Aug;12(7):425-432. doi: 10.1016/j.nurpra.2016.05.013.


Overweight and obesity are escalating in epidemic proportions in the United States. Individuals with overweight and obesity are often reluctant to seek medical help, not only for weight reduction but also for any health issue because of perceived provider discrimination. Providers who are biased against individuals with obesity can hinder our nation's effort to effectively fight the obesity epidemic. By addressing weight bias in the provider setting, individuals affected by obesity may be more likely to engage in a meaningful and productive discussion of weight. Providers need to be the go-to source for obesity-focused information on new and emerging treatments.

Keywords: media and weight bias; obesity bias; obesity stigma; provider bias; weight discrimination; weight stigmatization.