Draft genome sequences for three unisolated Alnus-infective Frankia Sp+ strains, AgTrS, AiOr and AvVan, the first sequenced Frankia strains able to sporulate in-planta

J Genomics. 2019 Sep 17:7:50-55. doi: 10.7150/jgen.35875. eCollection 2019.


Actinobacteria from genus Frankia are able to form symbiotic associations with actinorhizal plants including alders. Among them, Sp+ strains are characterized by their ability to differentiate numerous sporangia inside host plant cells (unlike "Sp-" strains unable of in-planta sporulation). Here, we report the first genome sequences of three unisolated Sp+ strains: AgTrS, AiOr and AvVan obtained from Alnus glutinosa, A. incana and A. alnobetula (previously known as viridis), respectively (with genome completeness estimated at more than 98%). They represent new Frankia species based on Average Nucleotide Identity (ANI) calculations, and the smallest Alnus-infective Frankia genomes so far sequenced (~5 Mbp), with 5,178, 6,192 and 5,751 candidate protein-encoding genes for AgTrS, AiOr and AvVan, respectively.

Keywords: AgTrS; AiOr; AvVan; Frankia.