Trends and publication rates of abstracts presented at the British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists' (BAHNO) annual meetings: 2009 - 2015

Br J Oral Maxillofac Surg. 2020 Aug 11:e296-e300. doi: 10.1016/j.bjoms.2020.08.006. Online ahead of print.


The British Association of Head and Neck Oncologists (BAHNO) hosts an annual meeting at which research from all specialties involved in the management of head and neck oncology is presented. We have analysed the rate of publication of the abstracts presented, and reviewed the finalised programmes from the meetings between 2009 and 2015. The 2014 meeting was excluded as it was a combined international meeting. Key terms were searched in PubMed and Google Scholar to identify publications in peer-reviewed journals. If none was identified, these platforms were searched for the authors' names. Published abstracts were excluded. Study and journal demographic data were extracted. A total of 363 abstracts were presented, including 75 oral, 271 poster, and 17 of unclear presentation method. The total publication rate was 31.1%, representing 46.7% of oral abstracts and 27.3% of poster presentations. The mean time to publication was 16.5 months. Research was published in 45 individual journals with a mean (range) impact factor of 2.559 (0.886-36.418). There was a trend towards an increasing number of presentations over time with a decreasing publication rate. However, there was no trend in mean impact factor by year. The publication rate of abstracts presented at the BAHNO annual meetings is comparable with that of other large otolaryngology and head and neck conferences. The mean impact factor has not previously been utilised within this field, but may prove a useful metric that enables monitoring of the quality of presented research and comparison of the impact of the conferences.

Keywords: Abstracts; Conference; Head and Neck; Otolaryngology; Publication rate.