How health inequality affect responses to the COVID-19 pandemic in Sub-Saharan Africa

World Dev. 2020 Nov:135:105067. doi: 10.1016/j.worlddev.2020.105067. Epub 2020 Jul 10.


The COVID-19 outbreak has infected millions of people across the world, caused hundreds of thousands of deaths, and collapsed national economies. Recognizing the importance of handwashing in preventing the spread of COVID-19, concerns have arisen about the condition of millions of Africans who lack access to hygiene facilities and clean water services. This paper compiles evidence from the WHO-UNICEF data to show the health disparities that limit the capacity of African countries to effectively address the COVID-19 disease along with recommendations for addressing the challenge.

Keywords: COVID-19; Coronavirus; Health inequality; Public health; Sub-Saharan Africa; Vulnerability.