Controversy around the place of CAPD in renal replacement therapy of blind Diabetics (BD) with type 1 Diabetes induced us to start CADP programme also in this group of patients. In yrs 95-98 we treated with CAPD 5 BD send to our Centre in IV/V phase of diabetic nephropathy (acc. to Mogensen). Duration of D up to 20 yrs, complete blindness in the last 2-10 yrs. Criteria of qualification for CAPD: standard medical +motivation of patient and family helper for self dialysis, unaided everyday life as well as blindness not before maturity. CAPD equipment: twin bag system with special modifications for BD. Own training programme of 2 weeks for patient/family helper modified for BD (without visual aids). We achieved full clinical and biochemical compensation of uremia; KT/Vurea > 1.9, weekly creatinine clearance > 60 1/1.73 sqm, UF > 400 ml. Peritonitis occurred in 2 of 5 patients with ratio 1:28 ptsmnths.
In conclusion: for BD with type 1 Diabetes, leading unaided everyday life, the blindness doesn't seem to be limitation for CAPD, if patients are motivated for self dialysis and the training programme has been specially modified for them.