With the move to CPR, health information managers will be challenged to reengineer the ways they manage processes within the medical record department. A lot of age-old health information problems (i.e., missing documents, lost test results, and missing records) can be solved and productivity improved with imaging. The digitized records will allow simultaneous access to readily available, legible, and usable information for patient care, research, audits, and correspondence. However, the transition from a manual to computerized record presents many challenges. Health information managers will have to monitor the changeover carefully, anticipating the needs for new information and developing the necessary mechanisms to produce it, as well as implementing new technologies as they emerge. Conditions are right for an advance in health care information systems. Pressures and changes in structure in the health care industry require better management tools. Acceptance of HIS as a management tool is growing rapidly among the health care provider community. The technology to realize the CPR and advanced decision support systems is available. All the pieces are there--they just need to come together. As the health care organization's view of and need for information systems change, medical record professionals must draw on their knowledge and experience and make the transition from managers of record systems to managers of health care information systems.