Freedman et al. [1997: Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 94:587-592] reported linkage in nine multiplex schizophrenia families to markers on chromosome 15, using impaired neuronal inhibition to repeated auditory stimuli (P50), a neurophysiological deficit associated with schizophrenia, as the phenotype. The highest LOD score obtained (5.3 at theta = 0) was for marker D15S1360 mapped to chromosome 15q13-14, less than 120 kb from the alpha7-nicotinic receptor (CHRNA7) gene. The study also reported a small positive LOD score for D15S1360 when examined for linkage to the schizophrenia phenotype. Following these findings, we examined three polymorphic markers (D15S1360, L76630, and ACTC) on chromosome 15q13-14 near the CHRNA7 gene for linkage to schizophrenia, using 54 pedigrees from an independent study. Alleles for these three markers were genotyped and analyzed using parametric and nonparametric methods. No LOD score above 1.00 was obtained for any marker, and affected sib-pair analysis likewise showed no evidence for linkage. We conclude that in our families the region around the CHRNA7 locus does not contain a major locus for susceptibility to schizophrenia.