Background: Eastern Europe is experiencing an epidemic of deaths from cardiovascular diseases with an increase since the early 1990s approaching 50%. The ability to survey the risk factors associated with this striking rise is severely hampered by the current disarray of the area's public health system. We used a rapid survey method to describe the epidemiology of cardiovascular risk in the capital of the Republic of Georgia, Tbilisi.
Methods: A two-stage cluster design, 'rapid survey method' developed by the Chronic Disease Center was used to estimate the frequency of hypertension, a major cardiovascular risk factor. Local personnel were trained and certified in blood pressure measurement and rapid survey techniques. The training and survey were conducted over a period of 14 days at which time a preliminary report of the survey was presented to the Ministry of Health.
Results: A total of 321 subjects were surveyed. The frequency of high blood pressure (>140/>90 mm Hg) at the time of the examination was 58% in men and 56% in women. The major correlates for blood pressure were gender and age. In addition we found that 31% of the population had a total cholesterol > or =220 mg% and a similar number had a low high density lipoprotein < or =35 mg%. Smoking was present in 60% of men and none were taking aspirin daily to prevent premature coronary artery disease.
Conclusions: The rapid survey method is feasible in the former Soviet Union and can quickly provide estimates of the risk factors associated with the epidemic of cardiovascular disease in this area.