The efficacy of a new bioantioxidant histochrome is studied in 92 patients (98 eyes). The drug was injected subconjunctivally or parabulbarly in a dose of 0.5 ml 0.02% solution daily, 7-10 injections per course. The clinical effect of histochrome is determined by the localization, duration, and extent of the process. The drug was the most effective in the treatment of intraocular hemorrhages which occurred no more than 7 days before. Electroretinography demonstrated pronounced retinoprotective properties of the drug which improved the electrophysiological parameters in degenerative processes in the retina and optic nerve. Hence, histochrome is characterized by hemoresorption, retinoprotective, and antioxidant properties and is recommended for the treatment of ocular diseases involving metabolic disorders in the retina, vascular membrane, and cornea.