The recent development of integrating very-high-field magnets (3.0 T) into clinical scanners was driven by the demonstration that both functional and anatomic information can be derived reliably at high spatial and temporal resolution. As very-high-field magnetic resonance imaging now approaches its entry into the clinical arena with a product by one major scanner manufacturer that is to be considered for Food and Drug Administration clearance, it is timely to consider the clinical applications that are likely to make such new technology significant in medical imaging. The rationale for very high field is based on the mechanism of blood oxygenation level-dependent contrast and the need for reliable functional studies on individual patients. The use of functional magnetic resonance imaging in the setting of presurgical planning is demonstrated in a number of different clinical scenarios. Such cases covering both pediatric and adult patients indicate that 3.0-T functional magnetic resonance imaging has an important role in neuroradiology.