The response of anesthetized squirrel monkey anterior parietal (SI) cortex to 25 or 200 Hz sinusoidal vertical skin displacement stimulation was studied using the method of optical intrinsic signal (OIS) imaging. Twenty-five-Hertz ("flutter") stimulation of a discrete skin site on either the hindlimb or forelimb for 3-30 s evoked a prominent increase in absorbance within cytoarchitectonic areas 3b and 1 in the contralateral hemisphere. This response was confined to those area 3b/1 regions occupied by neurons with a receptive field (RF) that includes the stimulated skin site. In contrast, same-site 200-Hz stimulation ("vibration") for 3-30 s evoked a decrease in absorbance in a much larger territory (most frequently involving areas 3b, 1, and area 3a, but in some subjects area 2 as well) than the region that undergoes an increase in absorbance during 25-Hz flutter stimulation. The increase in absorbance evoked by 25-Hz flutter developed quickly and remained relatively constant for as long as stimulation continued (stimulus duration never exceeded 30 s). At 1-3 s after stimulus onset, the response to 200-Hz stimulation, like the response to 25-Hz flutter, consisted of a localized increase in absorbance limited to the topographically appropriate region of area 3b and/or area 1. With continuing 200-Hz stimulation, however, the early response declined, and by 4-6 s after stimulus onset, it was replaced by a prominent and spatially extensive decrease in absorbance. The spike train responses of single quickly adapting (QA) neurons were recorded extracellularly during microelectrode penetrations that traverse the optically responding regions of areas 3b and 1. Onset of either 25- or 200-Hz stimulation at a site within the cutaneous RF of a QA neuron was accompanied by a substantial increase in mean spike firing rate. With continued 200-Hz stimulation, however, QA neuron mean firing rate declined rapidly (typically within 0.5-1.0 s) to a level below that recorded at the same time after onset of same-site 25-Hz stimulation. For some neurons, the mean firing rate after the initial 0.5-1 s of an exposure to 200-Hz stimulation of the RF decreased to a level below the level of background ("spontaneous") activity. The decline in both the stimulus-evoked increases in absorbance in areas 3b/1 and spike discharge activity of area 3b/1 neurons within only a few seconds of the onset of 200-Hz skin stimulation raised the possibility that the predominant effect of continuous 200-Hz stimulation for >3 s is inhibition of area 3b/1 QA neurons. This possibility was evaluated at the neuronal population level by comparing the intrinsic signal evoked in areas 3b/1 by 25-Hz skin stimulation to the intrinsic signal evoked by a same-site skin stimulus containing both 25- and 200-Hz sinusoidal components (a "complex waveform stimulus"). Such experiments revealed that the increase in absorbance evoked in areas 3b/1 by a stimulus having both 25- and 200-Hz components was substantially smaller (especially at times >3 s after stimulus onset) than the increase in absorbance evoked by "pure" 25-Hz stimulation of the same skin site. It is concluded that within a brief time (within 1-3 s) after stimulus onset, 200-Hz skin stimulation elicits a powerful inhibitory action on area 3b/1 QA neurons. The findings appear generally consistent with the suggestion that the activity of neurons in cortical regions other than areas 3b and 1 play the leading role in the processing of high-frequency (>/=200 Hz) vibrotactile stimuli.