MRI and phase-contrast MR angiography (PC MRA) were obtained in 13 patients with angiographically confirmed intracranial dural arteriovenous fistulae (DAVF). Three- and two-dimensional PC MRA was obtained with low (6-20 cm/s) and high (> 40 cm/s) velocity encoding along the three main body axes. MRI showed focal or diffuse signal abnormalities in the brain parenchyma in six patients, dilated cortical veins in seven, venous pouches in four with type IV DAVF and enlargement of the superior ophthalmic vein in three patients with DAVF of the cavernous sinus. However, it showed none of the fistula sites and did not allow reliable identification of feeding arteries. 3D PC MRA enabled identification of the fistula and enlarged feeding arteries in six cases each. Stenosis or occlusion of the dural sinuses was detected in six of eight cases on 3D PC MRA with low velocity encoding. In six patients with type II DAVF phase reconstruction of 2D PC MRA demonstrated flow reversal in the dural sinuses or superior ophthalmic vein.