An 1H-NMR study of ferric cytochrome P450cam in different paramagnetic states was performed. Assignment of three heme methyl resonances of the isocyanide adduct of cytochrome P450 in the ferric low-spin state was recently performed using electron exchange in the presence of putidaredoxin [Mouro, C., Bondon, A., Jung, C., Hui Bon Hoa, G., De Certaines, J.D., Spencer, R.G.S. & Simonneaux, G. (1999) FEBS Lett. 455, 302-306]. In this study, heme methyl protons of cytochrome P450 in the native high-spin and low-spin states were assigned through one-dimensional and two-dimensional magnetization transfer spectroscopy using the paramagnetic signals enhancement (PASE) method. The order of the methyl proton chemical shifts is inverted between high-spin and low-spin states. The methyl order observed in the ferric low-spin isocyanide complexes is related to the orientation of the cysteinate ligand.