The aim of the present study was to examine how different personal, physical, and psychosocial work-associated factors are related to good general health, well-being, and musculoskeletal disorders in dental hygienists. A questionnaire was mailed to 575 dental hygienists who were randomly sampled from the Swedish Dental Hygienists' Association (86% responded). Data were analyzed with multiple-logistic regression models. The results showed that high clinical-practice fraction, active leisure, and high management support increased the odds for good general health, while work and family overload decreased the odds. Management support and mastery of work increased the odds for well-being, while work and family overload and high work efficiency decreased them. Scaling work increased the odds for general and work-related musculoskeletal disorders in all parts of the upper body and arms but not in the lower back. In the upper body, active leisure decreased the odds for general musculoskeletal disorders, while the odds for work-related musculoskeletal disorders increased from work and family overload and decreased from many weekly working hours. Many years in the profession increased the odds for general finger disorders. In conclusion, the results suggest that active leisure and several psychosocial work factors strongly influence good general health and well-being. Physical tasks influence musculoskeletal disorders more than active leisure and psychosocial work factors.