We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to investigate brain regions involved in extracting three-dimensional structure from motion. A factorial design included two-dimensional and three-dimensional structures undergoing rigid and nonrigid motions. As predicted from monkey data, the human homolog of MT/V5 was significantly more active when subjects viewed three-dimensional (as opposed to two-dimensional) displays, irrespective of their rigidity. Human MT/V5+ (hMT/V5+) is part of a network with right hemisphere dominance involved in extracting depth from motion, including a lateral occipital region, five sites along the intraparietal sulcus (IPS), and two ventral occipital regions. Control experiments confirmed that this pattern of activation is most strongly correlated with perceived three-dimensional structure, in as much as it arises from motion and cannot be attributed to numerous two-dimensional image properties or to saliency.