In a 20-year-survey, 9364 dairy cattle in 324 herds kept under a zero-grazing management, 1252 beef cattle in 46 herds grazing all the year round, 3347 sheep in 134 herds (only 26 are grazing herds), and 872 goats in 47 herds (only 20 are grazing) were examined. The mites collected from cattle were identified as Chorioptes texanus only, and those from sheep, goats and gazelles were identified as C. bovis. Chorioptic mange was not diagnozed in grazing beef cattle, ibexes and housed animals (as compared to grazing herds), and in rams and billy goats. Holstein-Israeli bulls kept in insemination centres were not clinically infested, whereas four Charolais bulls were infested with chorioptic mange. Infestation rate was higher in older animals than in younger ones. Hoggets and young goats over 10 months and heifers over 13 months were found clinically infested with Choriopic mites. Lesions were not usually extensive and occurred mainly in predilection sites. The ocular form in sheep and the groin form in goats are very uncommon and apparently are reported for the first time. Chorioptic mange was recorded generally throughout the year. In our study seasonal distribution could not be demonstrated in cattle, while in sheep and goats the highest infestation rate occurred in February to March and the lowest in August and September.