Menaquinones were the only isoprenoid quinones found in 85 of the 95 coryneform bacteria examined. Dihydromenaquinones having nine isoprene units were the main components isolated from Corynebacterium bovis, from other glutamic acid-producing strains, and from Arthrobacter globiformis and related species. Dihydromenaquinones with eight isoprene units were found in Brevibacterium linens, the remaining Corynebacterium species and strains probably belonging to the genus Rhodococcus. Tetrahydromenaquinones with eight isoprene units were found in Arthrobacter simplex and Arthrobacter tumescens, and with nine isoprene units in Cellulomonas and Oerskovia. Kurthia and Curtobacterium were characterized by menaquinones with seven and nine isoprene units, respectively, and Microbacterium lacticum and Corynebacterium aquaticum had comparable amounts of menaquinones with 10 and 11 isoprene units. Strains received as Brevibacterium leucinophagum, Corynebacterium autotrophicum, Corynebacterium nephridii, Mycobacterium flavum, Mycoplana rubra and Protaminobacter ruber contained uniquinones as their sole isoprenoid quinones. The isoprenoid quinone data correlate well with major trends in coryneform taxonomy and are of value in the classification of coryneform and related bacteria.