Children comprised 52% of patients with Sickle Cell Disease (SCD). Types of Sickle Cell Disease encountered were SS (92.7%). SB thalassaemia (6.7%) and SD disease (0.7%). The disease was widespread in almost all castes and communities in the society; largest number of patients (20%) belonging to scheduled castes and only 1.4% were from scheduled tribes. Maximum number of cases were in the age group 2-4 and 4-6 years, many of whom died around this age. Besides attacks of pain, jaundice and anemia, frequent attacks of fever with anemia or only anemia in childhood were a predominant presenting feature. Splenic sequestration was frequent (10.1%). The patients usually had a steady state hemoglobin level of 6-10 g/dl, with which they thrived well. Fetal hemoglobin was 5-30%. Blood transfusion was not a frequent requirement, but prophylactic long acting penicillin was helpful in preventing frequency of crisis.