Background: Little information has been reported regarding the frequency and type of complications arising from removal of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tubes in children.
Methods: The records of 397 patients who had PEG tubes placed from 1993 through 1998 were reviewed for complications after removal. Data collected included length of time the tube was in place, age of the patient at insertion, type of tube removed, and patient diagnosis.
Results: Fifty-four children had the PEG tube removed by traction or endoscopy. The only complication was persistent leaking through a gastrocutaneous fistula in 13 patients (24%). Leaking ceased in 6 children coincident with H2-antagonist therapy and silver nitrate cautery, and surgical closure of the fistula was required in 7 patients. Comparison of these 7 children with those who did not require surgery (n = 47) showed a longer duration of tube placement (mean +/- SE of 20.6+/-3.6 months, range 11-31 months vs. 11.1+/-1.3 months, range 1-35 months; P<0.05). Further analysis showed no child with a PEG tube removed before 11 months (n = 23) after insertion required surgery, whereas 7 (23%) of 31 children with a PEG tube removed after 11 or more months required surgery. Age at insertion, type of feeding device removed, and patient diagnoses were not different between the two groups.
Conclusions: These data indicate that persistent leaking necessitating surgical closure of a gastrocutaneous fistula does not occur in children with a PEG tube removed within 11 months of insertion. In contrast, 23% of children with a PEG tube removed 11 or more months after insertion require surgery. In patients identified as candidates for tube removal, this time frame may be important in clinical decision making.