Previous studies using chemical modification approach have shown the importance of arginine residues in bile salt activation of carboxyl ester lipase (CEL) activity. However, the x-ray crystal structure of CEL failed to show the involvement of arginine residues in CEL-bile salt interaction. The current study used a site-specific mutagenesis approach to determine the role of arginine residues 63 and 423 in bile salt-dependent and bile salt-independent hydrolytic activities of rat CEL. Mutations of Arg(63) to Ala(63) (R63A) and Arg(423) to Gly(423) (R423G) resulted in enzymes with increased bile salt-independent hydrolytic activity against lysophosphatidylcholine, having 6.5- and 2-fold higher k(cat) values, respectively, in comparison to wild type CEL. In contrast, the R63A and R423A mutant enzymes displayed 5- and 11-fold decreases in k(cat), in comparison with wild type CEL, for bile salt-dependent cholesteryl ester hydrolysis. Although taurocholate induced similar changes in circular dichroism spectra for wild type, R63A, and R423G proteins, this bile salt was less efficient in protecting the mutant enzymes against thermal inactivation in comparison with control CEL. Lipid binding studies revealed less R63A and R423G mutant CEL were bound to 1,2-diolein monolayer at saturation compared with wild type CEL. These results, along with computer modeling of the CEL protein, indicated that Arg(63) and Arg(423) are not involved directly with monomeric bile salt binding. However, these residues participate in micellar bile salt modulation of CEL enzymatic activity through intramolecular hydrogen bonding with the C-terminal domain. These residues are also important, probably through similar intramolecular hydrogen bond formation, in stabilizing the enzyme in solution and at the lipid-water interface.