The aims of the study were to investigate teachers' knowledge and attitudes towards attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities (LD). Forty-six high school teachers were interviewed in this regard. The 46 teachers were divided into two groups: 25 teachers taught at an academic school (School 1); and 21 teachers taught at special education school (School 2) and dealt with ADHD/LD cases regularly. General knowledge about ADHD (71%) and about LD (74%) was relatively low among both groups. Thirteen percent of all teachers considered LD to be the result of parental attitudes, namely 'spoiling' the children. The score for attitude and understanding of ADHD children was relatively low (72.5%) for both groups, whereas Group B teachers scored higher regarding LD cases. Almost 40% considered that ADHD children should be rebuked and/or punished in a manner similar to non-ADHD kids. Regarding long-term outcome, 45.7% of the teachers expected ADHD children to experience multiple difficulties in family life during adulthood. In relation to LD cases, the overall scoring for positive attitude was 75%. However, this score was higher for Group B teachers. Three-quarters of the teachers favored increasing peer awareness and comprehension as to the problems LD kids encounter at school. Ninety-five percent believed LD patients should enjoy a more lenient school education. There was no correlation between teachers, knowledge of ADHD and LD and their attitude. The main sources for this knowledge were: specialized textbooks, continuous education, TV shows, journals and newspapers, and medical personnel.