General practitioners may gain valuable information from the use of open access endoscopy. The benefit to the individual patient depends on the interpretation of the endoscopy findings and the subsequent action. The aim of the study was to determine GPs response to open access endoscopy findings of three conditions with possible malignant complications: Barrett's oesophagus, gastric ulcer and colonic adenomatous polyps. The study took place at Ninewells Hospital, Dundee. Using the endoscopy unit's records for the year, 1 January 1995 to 31 December 1995, all patients having had an open access upper gastro-intestinal endoscopy or sigmoidoscopy were identified. Case-notes were reviewed of patients who had Barrett's oesophagus, gastric ulcer or colonic polyps diagnosed. During the year, 1158 upper gastro-intestinal endoscopies and 293 sigmoidoscopies were performed by the open access service. The referral rates for the conditions were as follows: Barrett's oesophagus 56%; Gastric ulcers 56%; Adenomatous polyps 88%; Non adenomatous polyps 12.5%. The provision of guidelines does not ensure a high referral rate, education is a vital partner.