This article presents the results of an evaluation of the speed and traffic safety effects of the photo radar program in British Columbia (BC) after 1 year of full operation. Traffic speed data were collected from the photo radar units and from induction loops installed across the province. Traffic collision and injury data were obtained from police investigation reports and from BC ambulance services records. The study employed a number of analytical frameworks, including simple before and after comparison, time-series cross-sectional analysis, and interrupted time series analysis. The study revealed a dramatic reduction of speed at photo radar deployment sites. A reduction of 2.4 km/h in mean speed was also observed at selected monitoring sites where enforcement was not likely to be present. The reduction of speed was accompanied by a decrease in collisions, injuries and fatalities. The analysis found a 25% reduction in daytime unsafe speed related collisions, an 11% reduction in daytime traffic collision victims carried by ambulances and a 17%, reduction in daytime traffic collision fatalities.