The objective of this study was to investigate the contribution of peripheral afferent input to the enhancement of isometric tremor during a sustained submaximal isometric contraction. It was hypothesised that during muscle fatigue, when excitatory drive is high, peripheral afferent input may augment oscillations in the stretch reflex arc and result in bursting motor-unit activity and increased tremor. Nine healthy subjects maintained isometric plantar flexions at 30% of their maximum voluntary contraction until the limit of endurance, under three test conditions. Two paradigms were used to reduce afferent input to the triceps surae alpha-motoneurone pool: (1) continued vibration of the Achilles tendon, and (2) ischaemic partial block of the tibial nerve. These were compared to a control experiment, in which there was no intervention. By recording H-reflexes from the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles, it was possible to assess the effectiveness of reducing the afferent input. When H-reflex suppression had stabilised, the fatiguing contraction was commenced and tremor was computed from the continuously recorded torque signal. Superimposed maximum twitches were elicited as indirect measures of excitatory drive. The increase in tremor root mean square throughout the fatiguing contraction was significantly less for both the vibration and ischaemic conditions. Furthermore, tremor mean power frequency decreased significantly with endurance time in the control experiment, while no significant change was seen in the other two experimental conditions. It is concluded that the enhancement of isometric tremor seen during a fatiguing submaximal isometric contraction is facilitated by peripheral afferent input to the alpha-motoneurone pool.