CXC chemokine receptor 3 (CXCR3), predominately expressed on memory/activated T lymphocytes, is a receptor for both IFN-gamma-inducible protein-10 (gamma IP-10) and monokine induced by IFN-gamma (Mig). We report a novel finding that CXCR3 is also expressed on eosinophils. gamma IP-10 and Mig induce eosinophil chemotaxis via CXCR3, as documented by the fact that anti-CXCR3 mAb blocks gamma IP-10- and Mig-induced eosinophil chemotaxis. gamma IP-10- and Mig-induced eosinophil chemotaxis are up- and down-regulated by IL-2 and IL-10, respectively. Correspondingly, CXCR3 protein and mRNA expressions in eosinophils are up- and down-regulated by IL-2 and IL-10, respectively, as detected using flow cytometry, immunocytochemical assay, and a real-time quantitative RT-PCR technique. gamma IP-10 and Mig act eosinophils to induce chemotaxis via the cAMP-dependent protein kinase A signaling pathways. The fact that gamma IP-10 and Mig induce an increase in intracellular calcium in eosinophils confirms that CXCR3 exists on eosinophils. Besides induction to chemotaxis, gamma IP-10 and Mig also activate eosinophils to eosinophil cationic protein release. These results indicate that CXCR3-gamma IP-10 and -Mig receptor-ligand pairs as well as the effects of IL-2 and IL-10 on them may be especially important in the cytokine/chemokine environment for the pathophysiologic events of allergic inflammation, including initiation, progression, and termination in the processes.