Probability distribution of the four-phase structure invariants of isomorphously related structure factors and its applications

Acta Crystallogr A. 1999 Mar 1;55(Pt 2 Pt 2):396-398. doi: 10.1107/s0108767398009167.


The probability distribution of the four-phase structure invariants (4PSIs) involving four pairs of structure factors is derived by integrating the direct methods with isomorphous replacement (IR). A simple expression of the reliability parameter for 16 types of invariant is given in the case of a native protein and a heavy-atom derivative. Test calculations on a protein and its heavy-atom derivative using experimental diffraction data show that the reliability for 4PSI estimates is comparable with that for the three-phase structure invariants (3PSIs), and that a large-modulus invariants method can be used to improve the accuracy.