A quantitative study was undertaken to examine whether final semester associate degree nursing (ADN) and baccalaureate degree nursing (BSN) students who experienced community health nursing content perceived themselves as self-efficacious to work as community health nurses (CHNs) with individuals, families, and communities. Additionally, the study examined the variance of perceived self-efficacy (PSE) accounted for by antecedent variables, performance accomplishments (PA), vicarious experience (VE), verbal persuasion (VP), and emotional arousal (EA). Questionnaires were mailed to faculty liaisons from 34 randomly selected National League for Nursing (NLN)-accredited schools in the United States. Statistical analysis revealed that the ADN and BSN final semester students perceived themselves to be equally self-efficacious to work with individuals and families. Significant differences were found, however, between the ADN and BSN students on PSE to work with communities. PA and VE explained 15% of the PSE variance suggesting that actual and VE contributes positively to a students' PSE to work as a CHN.