This study was conducted first, to characterize structural changes in rabbit lenses after vitrectomy; and second, to assess whether such changes correlate with a quantifiable compromise in optical function. Unilateral, partial vitrectomies were performed on 2.5 month old Dutch Belted rabbits (n = 64). Age matched non-operated rabbits (n = 32) were used as controls. Lenses were analysed by correlative structural (light, scanning electron microscopic and three-dimensional computer-assisted drawings) and optical (low power helium-neon laser scan) analysis at 1.5, 3, 6 and 12 months post-surgery (n = 16 lenses from operated animals and n = 8 lenses from non-operated controls at each time point). Results demonstrate that in rabbits lens growth, or fiber formation, is compromised after vitrectomy. From 1.5 to 12 months after surgery, lenses had progressively more crooked posterior line sutures with sub-branches of increasing size and number in successive growth shells. Quantification of lens optical quality specifically along and/or between these atypical suture branches and sub-branches revealed a significant increase in focal length variability (sharpness of focus) after vitrectomy. A peripheral zone of fibers with abnormal posterior ends was produced surrounding the pre-surgical lens mass. This additional zone of aberrant fibers was associated with a quantifiable degradation in lens optics. Studies on the prevention of post-vitrectomy lens changes in this rabbit model may yield useful information applicable to the human condition.
Copyright 2000 Academic Press.