Human parvovirus B19 (HPV-B19) infection is recently known to produce variable clinical manifestations, but neurological disorder associated with this infection is uncommon. We reported a case of GBS associated with transient lupus-like status following HPV-B19 infection. This is the first report describing an adult case of GBS following HPV-B19 infection. A healthy female, aged 33, developed erythema infectiosum simultaneously with her 5-year-old daughter. On the same day, she noticed leg fatigue, which worsened in the following days. On the day 11th, she became unable to walk. Mild pancytopenia, liver injury, proteinuria, hypocomplementemia, and increased anti-nuclear antibody (ANA) were revealed at a hospital. Polymerase chain reaction detected HPV-B19 DNA in the serum. On the day 17th, she was admitted to our hospital because of moderate generalized weakness and mild sensory disturbance, which were symmetrical and distal-dominant. The deep tendon reflexes were absent. Analysis of cerebrospinal fluid showed albuminocytologic dissociation. Other laboratory data were normal except positive ANA. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) showed high titer of the serum IgM antibody to GM1 and GD1b. Serum anti HPV-B19 IgM and IgG tested by ELISA were also positive. She improved gradually after 2 courses of double filtrated plasma pheresis.