Background: The replacement of lost teeth by fixed or removable dentures is very important in order to re-establish a correct phonetic and masticatory function and to restore a good aesthetical appearance to the patient. However when dental prosthesis, particularly the removable ones, become inadequate they may be responsible for a series of more or less dangerous lesions of the oral tissues. In this work a clinical and epidemiological study regarding the modality and the state of preservation of dentures in time has been carried out; moreover the possible presence of mucous membrane lesions in subjects with removable dentures has been investigated.
Methods: Seventy-height subjects with partial or totally removable dentures have been examined. After a general and stomatological anamnesis a thorough objective examination of the oral cavity was carried out in order to evaluate the removable denture state and the possible presence of mucous lesions correlated to them.
Results: Women from sixty to seventy represent the greatest part of the subjects with removable dentures examined in this study. Nine years is the medium range of removable denture permanence in the mouth; in the greatest part of acrylic dentures the resin has never been replaced, they are inadequate and show a poor state of preservation. Twenty-height percent of the subjects examined report different troubles and in 46% of the cases the presence of dentures causes mucous lesions.
Conclusions: Since the greatest part of removable dentures examined in this study are inadequate and badly preserved, patients with removable dentures had better check them more often in order to allow the dentist to evaluate the functionality and the care of the dentures and to discover in time the possible presence of mucous lesions.