Using data from 673 outpatient and 510 aftercare clients in Project MATCH, this study identified drinking-outcome-related differences in profiles across transtheoretical model (TTM) variables. Abstinent, moderate, and heavier drinking outcome groups were formed as a function of their 1-year posttreatment drinking behavior. Using profile analysis, group differences in the shapes of the mean profiles on TTM-related measures of stage and self-efficacy were found (a) for both the outpatient and aftercare populations and (b) at both the baseline and end-of-treatment time points. The use of cognitive and behavioral change processes during treatment was measured and the scores for each were included in the creation of the end of treatment profiles. The relation between number of TTM goals attained and probabilities of successful drinking outcome supports the usefulness of profile differences in predicting long-term drinking outcomes and can enable therapists to help clients set interim goals.