DNA adducts formed by platinum-based anticancer drugs interfere with DNA replication. The carrier ligand of the platinum compound is likely to affect the conformation of the Pt-DNA adducts. In addition, the conformation of the adduct can also change upon binding of damaged DNA to the active site of DNA polymerase. From the crystal structures of pol beta ternary complexes it is evident that undamaged gapped and primed single-stranded (non-gapped) DNA templates exist in very different conformations when bound to pol beta. Therefore, one might expect that the constraints imposed on the damaged templates by binding to the polymerase active site should also affect the conformation of the Pt-DNA adducts and their ability to inhibit DNA replication. In support of this hypothesis we have found that the efficiency, carrier ligand specificity, site of discrimination (3'-G versus 5'-G of the Pt-GG adducts), and fidelity of translesion synthesis past Pt-DNA adducts by pol beta are strongly affected by the structure of the DNA template. Previous studies have suggested that the conformation of Pt-DNA adducts may be affected by the sequence context of the adduct. In support of this hypothesis, our data show that sequence context affects the efficiency, fidelity, and pattern of misincorporation by pol beta.