During pressure-support ventilation, tidal volume (V(T)) can vary according to the level of the patient's respiratory effort and modifications of the thoraco-pulmonary mechanics. To keep V(T) as constant as possible, the Siemens Servo 300 ventilator proposes an original modification of pressure-support ventilation, called volume-support ventilation (VSV). VSV is a pressure-limited mode of ventilation that uses V(T) as a feedback control: the pressure support level is continuously adjusted to deliver a preset V(T). Thus, the ventilator adapts the inspiratory pressure level, breath by breath, to changes in the patient's inspiratory effort and the mechanical thoraco-pulmonary properties. The clinician sets V(T) and respiratory frequency, and the ventilator calculates a preset minute volume. It has been shown that ineffective respiratory efforts can occur during pressure-support ventilation.