Determination of muscarinic agonist-induced parasympathomimetic effects in wild type and M2 and M4 muscarinic receptor knockout mice revealed that M2 receptors mediated tremor and hypothermia, but not salivation. The M4 receptors seem to play a modest role in salivation, but did not alter hypothermia and tremor. In the M2 knockout mice, agonist-induced bradycardia in isolated spontaneously beating atria was completely absent compared to their wild type litter mates, whereas agonist-induced bradycardia was similar in the M4 knockout and wild type mice. The potency of carbachol to stimulate contraction of isolated stomach fundus, urinary bladder and trachea was reduced by a factor of about 2 in the M2 knockout mice, but was unaltered in the M4 knockout mice. The binding of the muscarinic agonist, [3H]-oxotremorine-M, was reduced in cortical tissue from the M2 knockout mice and to a lesser extent from the M4 knockout mice, and was reduced over 90% in the brain stem of M2 knockout mice. The data demonstrate the usefulness of knockout mice in determining the physiological function of peripheral and central muscarinic receptors.