Recently endonasal surgery has been considered to be a valuable contribution in the management of paranasal sinus osteoma. A retrospective evaluation study of 34 frontoethmoidal osteomas (23 frontal and 11 ethmoidal osteomas) treated at a tertiary care facility from 1990 to 1999 is presented. Twenty three osteomas (68%) were resected endonasally. Eleven osteomas (32%) were removed using an osteoplastic frontal sinus approach with coronal incision. In 5 cases of huge osteomas originating at the anterior frontal sinus wall, reconstruction of the resected anterior-frontal sinus wall was achieved by autologous outer table grafts harvested from the parietal region. Endoscopic and radiological follow-up ranging from 1 to 32 months showed three incomplete endonasal osteoma resections. Complete osteoma removal was achieved via endonasal revision surgery in two of these cases, while the third small residual osteoma remains under observation. There was no case of osteoplastic osteoma removal where incomplete osteoma resection became obvious during follow-up. Ethmoidal osteomas without extrasinusal extension can be resected endonasally. The endonasal approach should be considered also for frontal sinus osteomas if (1) sufficient frontal sinus access can be achieved endonasally, (2) the osteoma is placed medially to a virtual sagittal plane through the lamina papyracea, and (3) the tumour base is at the inferior part of the posterior frontal sinus wall. We favour the osteoplastic frontal sinus approach with coronal incision if an external approach is required to achieve tumour resection with the best aesthetic results.