A cross-sectional study was undertaken in a rural and an urban area in Tanzania with the aim of identifying factors related to early infant feeding practices. The study included 320 mothers from each area with infants below 7 mo of age. A significant proportion of both rural and urban mothers had erroneous beliefs about infant feeding practices. None of the socioeconomic, demographic or biological variables studied were associated with feeding practices. Urban residence was positively associated with the duration of exclusive but not predominant breastfeeding. Better knowledge about specific breastfeeding issues was positively associated with the duration of both exclusive and predominant breastfeeding. Ownership of a radio was positively associated with both exclusive and predominant breastfeeding in the rural area. Although both rural and urban mothers had a high antenatal clinic attendance rate, 65% of the rural and 14% of the urban mothers delivered at home. Urban mothers informed about breastfeeding at the antenatal clinic had better feeding practices.
Conclusion: We hypothesize that exclusive breastfeeding is not a traditionally recognized practice and thus its duration is mainly associated with information and knowledge about breastfeeding. This suggests that information programmes to provide knowledge, beginning at antenatal visits, may reduce premature complementation, though additional support may also be required.