Background: The clinically non-metastatic neck is an unsolved problem in the treatment of oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell carcinomas. A rational procedure is looked for which is neither exaggerated nor neglects the needed safety.
Patients and methods: 15 patients with primary squamous cell carcinomas of the oral cavity and the oropharynx, staging T1-4N0M0 were examined. After peritumoral intramucodermal injection of tc99m-labeled colloidal albumin the lymphoscintigraphy using gamma-camera imaging prior and hand-held gamma-probe during operation were used for identification of the nodes. Selective sentinel lymph node exstirpation was followed by radical tumor resection.
Results: In all cases (n = 41) lymph nodes could be detected, 40 of them were sentinel lymph nodes, distributed to all neck levels, in 5 cases bilateral drainage. 92.5% of sentinel lymph nodes could be actually removed. All but 1 (97.5%) were true-negative. In the positive case modified radical neck dissection harvested another affected node.
Conclusions: Methodically seen, the sentinel procedure works well and might lead to reduced post-surgical morbidity in about 50% of patients with oral cancer. To date, the procedure should be confined to studies with special requirements to diagnostics and subsequent treatment.