Objectives: In multiantenna applicators such as the SIGMA-60 or SIGMA-Eye, which consist of 4 or 12 pairs of antennas shunt to 4 or 12 amplifiers ("antenna couplets"), phases and amplitudes in the feed points of these antennas under certain conditions can significantly differ from the values selected at the multichannel amplifier (forward parameters), mainly due to coupling. In the SIGMA-Eye, this interaction is particularly affected by the transforming networks between the generators and the feed points, thus hampering the control of the feed point parameters. In this work, we perform measurements at existing applicators, present a formalism to describe the facts numerically, and investigate modifications of the transforming networks to improve the performance.
Methods and materials: We prepared an experimental setup for the SIGMA-Eye applicator that is fed by forward waves of a 12-channel amplifier system. In this setup, we made the water bolus, the interior of the tissue-equivalent phantom, and the entire transforming network accessible for measuring probes. Then, we constructed various alternative transforming networks such as Pawsey loops, LC matching networks, and power dividers and compared them with the original matching network of the SIGMA-Eye applicator. In particular, we utilized a high-resistive probe to determine the disturbances and influences caused by some channels with respect to some selected feed points of the SIGMA-Eye dipoles.
Results: In the original SIGMA-Eye applicator, the influences of coupling channels on the phases and voltages in the feed point of a particular antenna are largest for adjacent longitudinal channels. Here, the +/- 10 degrees phase shift and +/- 30% voltage change were observed if the reference channel (i.e., the disturbed channel) and disturbing channel are equally powered. The changes eminently increased to -30 degrees to + 100 degrees phase shift and -80% to +50% voltage change if the reference channel is fed with much lower power (four to eight-fold) than the disturbing channel. The disturbance from distant channels is less but still significant, reaching shifts of -10 degrees to +50 degrees and -50% to +20%, respectively. Using Pawsey loops instead of the original ferrite rings in the SIGMA-Eye network, the efficacy of the baluns was improved by a more than a factor of 4. Using an LC matching network, dependencies on frequency and external arrangements can be reduced significantly. Applying a power divider circuit, the coupling between antennas combined to one channel is considerably diminished (down to <-25 dB).
Conclusion: Coupling between resonators (pairs of antennas including the matching network) reduces the control of the SIGMA-Eye applicator, i.e., it causes deviations between the selection of forward parameters at the amplifier and the total actual parameters in the feed points of the antennas. Modified transformation networks can improve the control, in particular by reducing sheath currents and asymmetries. There is a linear but variable relationship between selected (amplifiers) and actually given (feed points) parameters. This linear mapping (described by a matrix) and its characteristics need further investigation.