Vanilloid receptor subtype-1 (VR1) is a nonselective cation channel that is expressed in sensory neurons and is activated by multiple noxious stimuli. Rat Vr1, stretch-inactivated channel (SIC), and vanilloid receptor 5' splice variant (VR.5'sv) have been hypothesized to be derived from a common VR gene. Characterization of the genomic structure encoding the 5' portion of rat Vr1 confirmed that VR.5'sv is derived from the VR gene; however, SIC seemed to be derived from two related but independent genes. We also deduced the genomic organization of the human gene VR1. Comparative studies of rat and human VR genes showed substantial conservation in genomic organization. The splice site flanking exon-intron 7 in rat and human VR1 diverged from the expected consensus sequence; this may help to explain the skipping of exon 7 within VR.5'sv and other VR splice variants.