Synthesis of Tricyclic beta-Methylene Spiro Lactones Related to Bakkenolides by Successive Radical Cyclization-High Pressure Diels-Alder Reactions

J Org Chem. 1996 May 31;61(11):3806-3814. doi: 10.1021/jo960111+.


The synthesis of some novel bakkenolides and their epi-spiro analogues was achieved by a new approach. Photolysis of allyl 1-(phenylseleno)-2-oxocyclopentanecarboxylates 7-9 afforded the corresponding spiro lactones 10-12 by radical cyclization via group transfer of the phenylseleno group. Selenoxide elimination of 11 and 12 produced the corresponding beta-methylene lactones 14 and 15. Diels-Alder cycloaddition of lactone11 with piperylene failed at ambient pressure, but proceeded in generally good yield in the presence of various Lewis acids at pressures of ca. 16 kbar, to give mixtures of beta-exo, alpha-endo, and beta-endo cycloadducts 19, 21, and 23, respectively. The preponderance of endo products 21 and 23, formed via highly hindered, but more compact, transition states was attributed to the high pressure and resulted in trans-dimethyl configurations of the products. The facial selectivity was dependent upon the Lewis acids, and the greatest alpha:beta ratio was observed with catalysts of the type TiCl(2)(OR)(2). Epimerization of the C-4 methyl group in 21 and 23 to furnish the corresponding cis-dimethyl analogues was achieved via exo-epoxidation, regioselective reduction, oxidation to the corresponding 3-keto derivatives, and base-catalyzed equilibration, thereby affording (+/-)-3,6-dioxobakkenolide-A (39) and its epi-spiro derivative 28, respectively. When the radical cyclization step was performed subsequent to the Diels-Alder cycloaddition by photolysis of perhydrindane 43, only the epi-spiro product 44 was obtained.