Mucositis, gingivitis, herpetic stomatitis and candidiasis are a potential source of systemic infection in patients undergoing chemotherapy. Their severity and incidence may be reduced with procedures based on the prevention and elimination of sources causing oral infection and irritation.
Objective: The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the effectiveness of an Oral Disease Preventive Protocol in children with cancer, subjected to chemotherapy and prior to application of dentobacterial infection control.
Material and methods: A controlled clinical test was run, with random assignations, on twelve 5-to-12-year-old patients diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) or Lymphoma, evaluated for twelve months, with a total of 154 evaluations. Five patients were boosted with oral physiotherapy, with non-alcoholic 0.05% fluoride mouthwashes, with topical application of myconazole oral gel; seven patients were given instructions on oral physiotherapy.
Results: There were no significant differences between the groups under evaluation (p>0.05). Of the oral complications evaluated, gingivitis registered the highest percentage (60%), followed by mucositis (18%) and candida albicans infection (7%). Most affected were the submandibular and cervical ganglions (59% and 41%, respectively).
Conclusions: Prior control of sources causing oral infection and irritation effectively prevents complications during non-surgical cancer therapy.