Psychophysiological relationship in menopausal women was explored by the comparison of stress level and resistance to stress and related symptoms: socio-economic and cultural variables and willingness to participate into a specific therapeutic program were taken into account. One hundred women, aged 44-59 years (54.2 +/- 5.64), that consecutively were referred to an out-patient menopausal Clinic, were studied by a questionnaire that evaluates quality of life (qol) derived and adapted from the Sickness Impact Profile and the Functional Living Test; moreover the test MSP (psychological stress measurement), translated from the original and adapted to Italy, was used. Psychological complaints of women examined are minimal: adaptation tests are substantially normal, and stress index measurements are even lower in comparison with a gender and age matched population group. Our results suggest that after a short period of psychological tension at the onset of climaterium, women acquire a positive, stable status, well different from stereotypes and prejudices around psychological disturbance associated with menopause. Minimal relevance of perceived disturbance seems the reason that limits the women's need and request for a specific therapy. Menopausal depression seems more related to life changes than to hormonal alterations. Reduced physical fitness, increased risk of parental death, difficulty to cope with new roles, apart the care of adult sons or daughters. A critical point is socio-economic level and the possibility to maintain a satisfying work. Contextual conditions, and specially degree of instruction, type of role change inside the family and number of sons, appears the most evident and relevant variables that mediate psychophysical conditions and perceived quality of life.