Differentiation and survival of sensory neurons is regulated by factors such as NGF and LIF. Regulation of signal transduction pathways downstream of such factor signalling by suppressor of cytokine signalling (SOCS) proteins, which negatively regulate the JAK/STAT pathway, may modulate biological outcome. In this study, SOCS1 regulation of growth factor mediated sensory neuron survival was examined. SOCS1 expression by sensory neurons was up-regulated by IFNgamma. Survival of sensory neurons from SOCS1 null mice in NGF or LIF was similar to wildtype mice. IFNgamma partially supported survival of wildtype neurons but supported survival of SOCS1 null neurons as effectively as NGF or LIF. Thus it appears that SOCS1 is a major regulator of sensory neuron responses to the inflammatory cytokine, IFNgamma.