Purpose: We determined the clinical manifestations of hereditary pancreatitis in nearly 30 families.
Patients and methods: The two trypsinogen mutations N29I and R122H were identified in a group of 550 patients with chronic pancreatitis of unclear origin. The following criteria were used to characterize the severity of chronic pancreatitis (one point each): calcifications, cysts, dilation of the pancreatic duct, diabetes, hospital treatment, and operation. Stages were defined as stage 0 (no points), stage 1 (one to two points), stage 2 (three to four points), and stage 3 (more than four points). Smoking and drinking habits were also recorded.
Results: Six families with the N29I mutation (25 subjects with the mutation) and 21 families with the R122H mutation (76 subjects with the mutation) were identified. The median ages for the onset of disease were 11 years in N29I and 10 years in R122H patients. The severity of chronic pancreatitis and symptoms were similar for both mutations. About 26% (n = 26) of the 101 subjects carrying a mutation were asymptomatic, and 42% (n = 42) had mild disease (stage 1). Twenty-nine percent (n = 29) had moderate disease (stage 2), and only 4% (n = 4) had severe disease (stage 3).
Conclusions: Symptoms of patients with the N29I or R122H trypsinogen mutation were generally similar. The majority of subjects with trypsinogen mutations had mild disease or was asymptomatic.