Until recently, the therapeutic protocol widely accepted for ablation of the thyroid remnant and for metastases of thyroid papillary carcinoma was the administration of 131I after surgery. However, at present, some data question the usefulness of such treatment in patients considered low risk. The treatment with radioiodine in patients suffering from end-stage renal disease (ESRD) undergoing hemodialysis requires controlled dosages and individualized administration guidelines. The need to include these patients on the waiting list for a renal transplantation, once they have overcome the disease, and the higher prevalence of thyroid carcinoma in ESRD patients makes this an increasingly significant problem. The cases reported in the literature are few and the therapeutic models followed are very difficult. In this paper we propose a therapeutic model that provides the highest thyroid ablative dosage, minimizing radiation exposure to the rest of the organs. The main difference between our protocol and that already described is the performance of daily hemodialysis during the first 5 days of treatment, as well as the administration of a dose of 131I equivalent to that administered to patients who show normal renal function.