Objective: To study the microbiology of the bulla ethmoidalis of patients who suffered from chronic sinusitis.
Design: A prospective study performed at the Saint-Luc universitary clinic (University of Louvain) from June 1999 to December 2000.
Material and methods: Seventy seven patients underwent functional endoscopic endonasal surgery during this period for chronic sinusitis refractory to standard medical treatment. All the patients presented symptoms for more than 3 months. After Povidone-Iodine disinfection, samples were taken into the bulla ethmoidalis after its opening with an endoscopic endonasal control. Samples were transferred to the microbiology laboratory using a thioglycolate medium for aerobic and anaerobic cultures.
Results: One hundred forty eight samples were studied. Culture rate was 73.6%. Thirty nine samples remained sterile. In the 109 culture positive specimens, 135 bacterial isolates were recovered. The main results are: Staphylococcus coagulase negative: 31, Staphylococcus aureus: 22, Streptococcus sp: 20, other Gram positive Cocci: 5, Haemophilus influenzae: 4, non-fermentative Gram negative bacilli: 6, Enterobacteriaceae: 45, anaerobic bacteria: 2.
Conclusion: Enterobacteriaceae or enteric gram negative bacilli were frequently encountered in the bulla ethmoidalis of patients suffering from chronic sinusitis. This report suggests that endoscopically guided culture obtained from the ethmoid sinus may accurate our understanding of the microbiology of chronic ethmoidal sinusitis and underline the importance of Enterobacteriaceae in this disease.